iWelcome to Dr. Rev. J "Kirch" Kirchartz's Gopherspace! TITLE null.host 1 i null.host 1 i@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ null.host 1 i@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ null.host 1 i@@! !@@ @@! @@! @@@ !@@ @@! @@@ null.host 1 i@! @!! !@! !@! @!@ !@! !@! @!@ TITLE null.host 1 i@!@@!@! !!@ @!@!!@! !@! @!@!@!@! null.host 1 i!@!!! !!! !!@!@! !!! !!!@!!!! TITLE null.host 1 i!: :!! !!: !!: :!! :!! !!: !!! TITLE null.host 1 i :: ::: :: :: ::: ::: ::: :: ::: null.host 1 i : ::: : : : : :: :: : : : : null.host 1 i null.host 1 iLinks around the Web null.host 1 i null.host 1 hMy Website URL:http://jkirchartz.com sdf.org 70 hChat, Usenet, and Text Message Acronyms and Abbreviations URL:http://www.oocities.org/eedd88/abbreviations.html sdf.org 70 hMy Masto URL:http://tilde.zone/@kirch sdf.org 70 i null.host 1 iLinks around the Gophersphere null.host 1 i null.host 1 1Me At Tilde.Team /1/~kirch/ tilde.team 70 0Why is Gopher Still Relevant? /gopher/relevance.txt gopher.floodgap.com 70 0The Small Internet /~spring/phlog/2019-01-16__The_Small_Internet.txt republic.circumlunar.space 70 0Posix Shell Scripting Survival Guide /users/ulcer/kb/kb/article-script-survival.md sdf.org 70 1Fuckup Solutions / fuckup.solutions 70 1Cosmic Voyage / cosmic.voyage 70 i null.host 1 iMy Gopherhole null.host 1 i null.host 1 1.. /users/ sdf.org 70 1ascii 2017-Jun-30 16:11 -------- /users/kirch/ascii/ sdf.org 70 1phlog 2018-Mar-12 18:47 -------- /users/kirch/phlog/ sdf.org 70 0The-Machine-Stops_EM-Forster.txt 2017-Nov-28 15:13 66.8 KB /users/kirch/The-Machine-Stops_EM-Forster.txt sdf.org 70 0gopher-manifesto.txt 2017-Nov-22 15:39 11.0 KB /users/kirch/gopher-manifesto.txt sdf.org 70 0howl_allen-ginsberg.txt 2017-Nov-22 20:41 22.6 KB /users/kirch/howl_allen-ginsberg.txt sdf.org 70 .